Sunset at the Malecón
The light in Cuba is nothing short of fantastic. Couple that with old cars and sea spray, well, it's amazing

Trumpeter for CUNI
We stopped for lunch, music and dancing at Cafe Taberna - it was a great introduction to the country, especially after a 3 hour wait at baggage claim!

Sunset, Malecón
I really liked the colors and lines here

Street scene, Old Havana
Even though you know this place is full of old cars and glorious decay, it doesn't really prepare you for the in-person experience

Fruit Market
Let's just say the shopping experience in Cuba is a bit different than the US.


I had a nice chat with Gugliermo on the Prado one early morning. He's named after Marconi, and so became involved in ham radio. Such a nice guy, and so warm.

Fishermen at dawn
Again on the Malecón, these guys were fishing very intently, although I never did see anyone catch a fish.

Boy Fishing, Regla

Church Service, Regla
We visited Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Regla, a church that combines Catholicism and Santeria, and also home to the "Black Madonna"

Street Scene, Regla

A Man and His Cock, Regla
Apparently the illegal sport of cock fighting is alive and well in Regla, and I came across this guy who was very proud of his bird. His friend joked, "Careful, you're going to be on CNN!"

House, Regla
These kinds of wooden houses are very typical of the older construction in Regla

Interior, Havana
Many times a day I'd think, "I would so do a fashion shoot in here."

Vendor, Egido Market
This charming woman sold various sauces that were put in in recycled beer bottles.

Street Musicians, Prado

Salón Rosado de la Tropical
Definitely off the beaten track, this is a legendary Cuban dancehall, where many groups go to try and break into the big time. The music and dancing are dazzling.
There is a video about the dancehall by Peter's brother David Turnley

Meat Vendor, Egido Market, Havana

Meat Display, Egido Market, Havana

Butcher, Egido Market, Havana

Schoolchildren, Havana

Santeria Dance Demonstration

Barbershop, Old Havana

Streetcorner baseball
Cubans are crazy for baseball. These kids were playing with a homemade ball made from tape, and were using the 4 corners of the intersection as bases

Game Face
We also visited a boxing gym, which offered some great photos

Wi-Fi Hotspot
Every so often you'd come across a spot where there would be many Cubans on their phones. It became clear this was where public wi-fi was available. However the internet connection in Cuba is pretty slow and unreliable.

Market with not much to sell
Most Cuban stores are pretty empty of things to sell. The US blockade, while obviously not total, has been hard on the Cuban people.

Night Bus, Old Havana

Bartender, Cojima

Morning Coffee
All over Havana people sell coffee out of doorways and windows

Butter Vendor
What could be more logical than to sell butter at the bakery?

Fruit Vendor

Lighter guy
This guy had a business refilling butane lighters. Many things we consider disposable, Cubans will find a way to keep re-using.

Drummer, Habana Compas
We visited a percussion & dance troupe and got a ton of photos

Rehearsal, Centro ProDanza