La Selfie
Waterfront, Nice
Sun + Kids + Water = Fun
There's a wonderful water plaza in Nice with jets in the pavement - perfect for cooling off small persons.
Mr Cool
I saw this guy rollerblading down the street in Paris, early in the morning. Virtually nobody is out early except municipal workers at that hour, but here we was, and super cheerful to boot!
The Lovers
Umbrellas, Nice
Two Carpenters
A Quiet Moment of Prayer
A Stroll in the Jardin
Genuflection, 2016-Style
Fishmonger, Bastille
At the Brasserie de l'Ile St Louis
Alsace Dancers
Mother's Day, 2016
Notre Dame Usher
The Faithful, Notre Dame
The Spectacle, Notre Dame
The Cathedral of Commerce
Galeries Lafayette, Paris
Dome, Galeries Lafayette
Chateau, Haut-Medoc
Wild Asparagus
Oddur and his pup
Mimi Thorisson
Cutthroat Petanque
Didier, The Village Mechanic
St. Yzans
Soca seller
Beautiful Woman, Aix-en-Provence
This woman caught our eye as she was walking down the street. She looked terrific and her walk was confident and sexy. I had to ask her for a photograph. The minute she turned to be photographed, I knew she was a model.